Must-Know Dental Hygiene Benefits

How often do you go to the dentist?

You may think clean teeth and gums may sound nice, but it’s not essential to your health. Well, think again. Bad oral health can affect the rest of your health. Bacteria accumulates in your gums, which can result in widespread infections.

Caring for your teeth includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing every day, and using mouthwash.

This helps remove harmful plaque, which causes tooth decay and other health issues. Depending on your state of health, you may need to see a dentist throughout the year.

When you take care of your teeth, you’ll have a healthy mouth and a healthy body. Here are some dental hygiene benefits you should know.

Prevent Systematic Diseases

Do systematic diseases, such as kidney disease, run in the family? Make sure to get checked by your doctor and your dentist every year.

The majority of systematic diseases manifest from oral complications. You may not think your swollen gums could be a sign of leukemia, but your oral bacteria can cause many physical health complications.

Here are some symptoms your dentist will try and find:

  • Swollen gums
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Dry mouth
  • Gum problems

If you have any of these issues run in your family, inform your dentist:

  • Diabetes
  • Leukemia
  • Oral cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney disease

Systematic diseases show symptoms that could point to other health ailments. But your oral symptoms are some of the easiest to spot. Because of this, your dentist could spot systematic diseases before your general health provider.

Healthy Gums Are Good for Your Heart

When your gums aren’t healthy, this links to heart health.

Gum inflammation is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease. Gum inflammation can be mild since it’s a common symptom for a number of gum issues, but it can lead to inflammation in other parts of the body.

Inflammation is a common sign that signals infection or pain. If there’s a gum infection, your gum inflammation can cause your body to develop inflammation in other areas.

This is bad for your heart since the inflammation means there are harmful bacteria in your system.

Those with periodontitis are more likely to have a heart attack. The link comes with blood and bacteria. When you have periodontal disease, pockets of pus and bacteria form in your gums.

This bacteria enter your bloodstream and can enter your heart. Many types of bacteria can enter your gums, but the most dangerous one is Streptococcus sanguis, which is a leading cause of strokes.

If cardiovascular disease is genetic, tell your dentist. They will regularly scan for periodontal disease.

Good Oral Health is Linked to a Healthy Pregnancy

Are you a woman who has practiced great oral hygiene for years?

Then your pregnancy should be a breeze. Women with great oral hygiene are at lower risk of many pregnancy complications, including delivering pre-term and low weight babies.

Throughout your pregnancy, make sure your brush twice a day and floss once a day. Visit a dentist at least once during your pregnancy, visit more if you have a history of oral complications.

Are You a Diabetic? Check for Gum Disease

You were always told sugar is bad for teeth. Sugar is also bad for diabetes, especially those genetically predisposed to high blood sugar. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that gum disease and diabetes are linked.

Glucose is the reason for this link. Peridontitis affects glucose control.

If gum disease becomes worse, the toxins from oral bacteria affect the ways your body metabolizes carbohydrates. This increases insulin resistance, which increases your blood sugar levels.

If you’re prone to diabetes or have diabetes, make sure you visit your dentist regularly.

You Can Detect Oral Cancer Before You See Any Symptoms

Do you know what dentists do during your check-up? You may think they only clean off plaque.

They’re actually checking to make sure you show no signs of major oral diseases, including oral cancer. The easiest way to detect oral cancer is checking your soft tissues.

When you have oral cancer, it completely changes your mouth. Your dentist will inspect your gums, tongue, lips, and cheeks for any major changes.

You may wonder if you can perform these check-ups. Most people can perform pre-cancer screenings on themselves. But oral cancer is different.

You don’t know what signs and symptoms you’re looking for. In addition, checking your own mouth is difficult.

Oftentimes, these changes are minor, and you may not notice them.

Oral cancer is easy to detect but is fatal. Most people with oral cancer only have a few years to live. This is why early detection is key to oral cancer survival.

A dentist is qualified to do routine oral cancer checks and to know the oral cancer signs and symptoms. This is why it’s important to visit the dentist every year.

Oral Health and Weight Loss Go Hand-in-Hand

Are you struggling to lose stubborn fat? All of your dieting and exercising efforts may help. But how often do you care for your teeth?

If you crave large and sugary breakfast food or want to snack during the evening, brushing your teeth is a great way to curb your appetite.

Think about it — do you crave that sweet latte after you brush your teeth? Or want to munch on potato chips after brushing before bed?

Brushing also helps to prevent consuming beverage carbs. This includes soda and alcohol, two of the biggest weight gain culprits. Drinking sweet and alcoholic beverages don’t taste good when your mouth is minty fresh.

The next time you crave high-carb snacks with a six-pack, brush your teeth instead. Your waistline will thank you.

Now You Know the Dental Hygiene Benefits

You were always told to have a clean mouth. But did you know bad oral hygiene can result in terrible health ailments? Clean teeth aren’t the only dental hygiene benefits.

When you take care of your teeth and see your dentist, it could save your life.

Are you in Birmingham, Alabama and you need a dental checkup? Make an appointment with us.