How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity After Whitening

One of the biggest reasons people want to take care of their teeth is not just so they will be healthy, or to prevent gum disease, but so they look good. This makes sense. Having white teeth is often a much more tangible and satisfying goal for people than having healthy teeth. Some people who learned good habits at a young age have only ever known healthy teeth, so having a perfect bill of dental health really isn’t anything special. What they want to pursue are those glistening, pearly whites.

One of the best ways to not only maintain the shiny glisten you want on your teeth, but get them looking better than ever before, is through teeth whitening. There are a variety of different methods and products for teeth whitening, and it is a treatment that can be administered at home or professionally in a dentist’s office.

There are two major categories of teeth whitening methods – bleach and non-bleach. Bleach based cleaning methods ordinarily contain the chemical carbamide peroxide and offer a much deeper clean of the tooth. Non-bleach products are known to only remove surface stains.

Whitening your teeth is certainly great for the cosmetic aspects of your mouth, but often leads to sensitivity of the teeth, especially directly after treatment. But this shouldn’t stop you from making your pearly whites even whiter. Here are some methods to prevent tooth sensitivity after whitening treatment.

Avoid Bleach Whiteners

Whitening methods that fall into the bleach category are going to provide a deeper whitening of your teeth. But because of this, they are also going to greatly enhance the sensitivity of your teeth. While non-bleach products will only fight against stains on a more surface level, they will not make your teeth nearly as sensitive.  If you already know you suffer from sensitive teeth, then it might be best to choose the less dramatic whitening option.

Limit Whitening Time

You may go into your whitening treatment thinking “The longer the treatment, the whiter the teeth.” But if you administer treatment on your teeth for too long, you will end up with extremely sensitive teeth and gums once the treatment is complete. Follow instructions closely and don’t go over the intended time period for your treatment.

Don’t Whiten Too Frequently

Chances are if you are taking the time to whiten your teeth, you will love the results and want to come back for more. Before long, stains will start to build up again, and you will be hoping to get rid of those bad boys as soon as possible. But the less time that passes in between your whitening treatments, the more sensitive your teeth will be afterwards.

Brush Your Teeth Before Whitening

Brushing your teeth after administering your whitening treatment will only lead to further sensitivity and pain in your mouth. Brushing your teeth before whitening, however, will mean your newly sensitive mouth is clean, leading to less bacteria to cause agitation or pain.

Rinse Out Your Mouth After Whitening

Whitening solutions are often slightly acidic, so once the treatment is over, rinse your mouth out with water to reduce pain and sensitivity.

Reduce Acidic Food and Drink During Whitening Periods

Around the time you know you are going to be whitening your teeth, strengthen your mouth naturally by reducing the amount of acidic foods and drinks you are consuming. Drinking highly acidic sodas when you’re getting ready to whiten your teeth will weaken your enamel and lead to more sensitivity.

Use Desensitizing Products

There are a number of products available specifically designed to close the pores of your teeth and reduce their sensitivity to agitation. Applying one of these products after you whiten your teeth will not only help your mouth feel better, but actually add minerals to your enamel and boost the whitening process itself. You can also use desensitizing gels prior to your whitening, strengthening your teeth before the whitening process even begins.

Talk to Your Dentist

Whitening your teeth is a great way to improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth, but it is not for everyone. Talk to your dentist before starting a regular whitening routine. Your dentist can help you determine whether you should be whitening your teeth at all, and if you should, your dentist can help you decrease the sensitivity that will come as a result.