How to Manage Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. When you suffer from sensitive teeth, the condition can stop you from eating and drinking the foods and beverages you love, including ice cream, cold drinks, or hot coffee, just for example.

Not only could you experience extreme discomfort or even pain when exposed to hot or cold foods and beverages, but you may feel embarrassed by your inability to participate in the social aspect of dining with family members, friends, and colleagues. The good news is that you’re not the first person to deal with this issue.

Tooth sensitivity is a common condition that may be attributed to thinning enamel, receding gums, or other issues. It could be caused by the things you eat and drink, vigorous brushing, or bruxism (grinding or clenching your teeth), just for example.

Since you’re not alone in suffering from tooth sensitivity, there are several possible treatment options to consider. Many can be accomplished on your own while others will require some help from your Birmingham dentist. Here are a few tips to get you started when it comes to managing tooth sensitivity.

Proper Oral Hygiene

There is no shortage of reasons to practice proper oral hygiene. Not only will dentists in Birmingham AL insist on it as part of an essential regimen to preserve your oral health, but it will help to stave off gingivitis, periodontal diseases, and tooth loss, among other harmful and embarrassing oral health problems.

It is also an important part of managing tooth sensitivity. For one thing, failing to brush, floss, and rinse after every meal (or at least twice a day) can lead to bacteria buildup and the formation of plaque and tartar that eat away at enamel, potentially exacerbating sensitivity.

However, you could also be brushing incorrectly. If you’re experiencing issues like receding gums that cause tooth sensitivity, for example, it could be due to overly vigorous brushing. If you think you might be doing something wrong, ask your Birmingham dentist for a refresher course on proper home dental care.

Tooth Sensitivity Products

It’s not enough to learn the proper way to brush and floss your teeth; you also need the right products to get the job done. When it comes to tooth sensitivity, there are certain products designed to help you reduce the symptoms you experience.

You could start by purchasing a soft-bristled toothbrush that is less likely to harm your enamel or cause your gums to recede prematurely. You should also look into toothpaste that is designed specifically for use on sensitive teeth.

Some dentists in Birmingham AL may even recommend a course of fluoride to strengthen enamel. All of these products could help to reduce your sensitivity.


Reliable Birmingham dentists can tell you that what you eat plays a role in the health of your teeth. In terms of sensitivity, your dietary choices could contribute to increased symptoms.

For example, a diet that features foods and beverages high in sugar, acid, and chemical additives can affect your enamel, increasing sensitivity. This can also lead to cavities and more serious issues. In other words, you should be aware of what you’re eating and how it can affect your teeth, especially if you suffer from tooth sensitivity.

Night Guard

Sometimes tooth sensitivity is the result of another condition, such as bruxism. If this is the case, you could try relaxation techniques to reduce the effects of your condition, but more likely than not you’ll need to have your dentist make you a night guard to protect your teeth from harm.

Regular Dental Visits

You might think that you have no choice but to live with ongoing tooth sensitivity. This is absolutely untrue. Reliable Birmingham dentists have the education and experience to help you determine the cause of your sensitivity and treat it appropriately.

Whether you’re suffering due to worn enamel, receding gums, bruxism, or another cause, you could be doing even more damage than you imagine. Likely, tooth sensitivity is just the tip of the iceberg and the most prominent symptom you’re experiencing.

Regular dental visits are not only important for the purpose of keeping your teeth clean and your gums healthy, but also for discussing any oral health issues you may experience. If tooth sensitivity is impacting your life, your dentist can help you to find appropriate solutions.